Got a question?

Got a burning question? One of your fellow Mommas or Mentees may have already asked it. Check out our FAQs below.


I'm not based in the UK, but would like a Momma can you help?

WYMM also operates in Sydney, New York, Cape Town, Atlanta, Singapore, Chicago and Los Angeles. You can email to find out more by clicking on the city at the bottom of the website page.

How do we assess our Momma Mentors?

Our Momma’s apply via our website, and their application form is assessed by one of our volunteers. If they are suitable, and we have space (we only have 90 mentors at a time on the programme), they will be interviewed over the phone. New Momma Mentors only get to join the team if they have relevant experience, share our values and commit to the Momma Pledge.

Am I a suitable mentee?

To be a mentee, you need to have been working in the advertising or design industry for at least two years. Unfortunately, we’re not open to recent graduates, students, marketing professionals or those looking for their own business advice.

How do you match the Mommas and the mentees?

The matches are made using the application form you fill out on our website. Our site works its wizardry and matches you based on your key challenges and your job experience. Then, someone from the WYMM team will check the match is suitable using the additional info on the form.

I’m keen to be a mentor, but how much time will it take up?

We’d love for you to be able to give 6-8 hours of your time over 6 months. How you and your mentee make that work is completely up to you. You may go for a few longer sessions together, or shorter and more frequent discussions.


Can my mentor help me get a better job?

Not really, they can’t vouch for what you’re like at work. However, by working with your mentor and listening to their own experiences you may come up with smarter ways of working, build your profile to get promoted or help you find a better job elsewhere. If you put in the effort, you’ll see the benefits.

I have only met my mentor once and it is difficult to get time in their diary to meet up, how can I get more regular contact?

We suggest meeting face to face at least once. That way the rest of your mentoring sessions can be done remotely by phone, email or even social media – it works just as well! Set up a call once a month or if not email, get into a routine and check-in with each other to track your highs/lows/progress. Try not to cancel your sessions because the more you put in the more you get out. Remember, your mentor is here for you, so make sure you get the most out of it.

How will I know what to ask my Mentor?

Remember to always prep. Set up the meetings and drive your own agenda. Our mentee’s use this worksheet, simply jot down your thoughts and goals – it’s really helpful.

What happens if I want to carry on being mentored but the 6 months is up?

If you’re Momma is up for it, then do it. The programme is just a starting point to connect women in the industry with the right support.

What happens if the mentor/mentee relationship just isn’t working?

Like all relationships, sometimes you just need to walk away. So, the best thing to do is to end the agreement. Don’t waste each other’s time. Contact WYMM and we’ll help you end the relationship respectfully.


As a mentor, I am not sure how I will really be able to help the mentee?

You have more experience than you think! Throughout the mentoring process, you will realise how much you have to share and how much experience you have gained. Just remember to ask lots of questions and let them lead the sessions, that way you can help them find their focus.

My mentee has not turned up to meetings, has cancelled or is not driving the meetups. Should I ask for another mentee who is more engaged?

We know from research and our experiences of running the programme, that women can suffer from confidence issues. Firstly, make sure that confidence issues aren’t getting in the way. We suggest encouraging them to drive the relationship and meetups, it’s a skill they will learn and master with your help. Also, remember junior mentees have little control over their own diary/evenings (they work for agencies remember!). Pitches happen and things do come up. Try and help them set boundaries and understand the importance of sticking to their allotted mentor time – it’s for their own benefit. Best practices would have been outlined to them, but as a mentor you can set out your own expectations and be honest with them. Remember to try not to cancel either!

What do I do if I think the mentee is making a mistake?

Just make sure you don’t cross any boundaries. You’re not their boss and you only have their account of the situation. So, the best way is to share your own experience if you’ve been there, but don’t present it as ‘the answer’. With any tricky situation ask lots of questions and help the mentee come up with their own options, and encourage them to weigh up which is right for them.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for you can drop us a message. Simply fill out the form and we’ll try and get back to you pronto.

On a side note – if you are looking for a Momma outside of London click on one of the cities at the bottom of the page.